Engine Room Recordings Presents… Pinkerton, Pt. 2 – Jenny Owen Youngs

LOWER MANHATTAN: Indie pop/rock artist Jenny Owen Youngs remembers Weezer’s Blue Album and Pinkerton being in heavy rotation during some of her more formative, budding-rocker years.

Coming September 4

So when she heard about Engine Room RecordingsPinkerton tribute, she enthusiastically went all-in – electing to try her hand at “Getchoo” – a song Youngs endearingly calls “the nastiest, most rocking thing that happens on the record.”

Youngs, drummer Elliot Jacobson and bass player Mike Tuccillo, thrashed out their version of “Getchoo”, tracking live off the floor in Engine Room’s Penthouse studio. Engineer Logan Myers recorded and mixed via the studio’s SSL 4064 G+ console and Pro Tools HD3.

See this, the second in our series of “Engine Room Recordings Presents…Pinkerton” videos below – featuring an interview with Youngs and band, and click here to see the full performance video.

Videos by Andrew Sheron for SonicScoop.com.


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