Searching for "rick slater"

Software Roundup: The Best Transient Shaping Plugins on the Market

When Sound Performance Labs introduced its revolutionary dynamics processor, Transient Designer, in the late 90s, it created a whole new class of audio effects.

This groundbreaking new design employed what SPL would call its “Differential Envelope Technology” to adjust the relative levels of the attack and sustain of a sound, Read more...


New Software Review: bx_console by Brainworx and Plugin Alliance

Debates over the sound quality of digital vs. analog may be nothing new, but with bx_console, Brainworx and Plugin Alliance have taken a novel approach to bridging the divide.

With this fully-featured, one-stop channel strip, they’ve attempted to address some of the underlying physics that separate the two formats, Read more...


New Software Review: Slapper Delay Plugin from The Cargo Cult

The on-line tutorial for The Cargo Cult’s Slapper introduces this plugin as a “multi-tap delay which can be hardware controlled and has freakish potential for sound design.”

Truer words have never been spoken! Well, they probably have, but it really is true: Slapper’s power as a radical sound design tool Read more...


New Plugin Review: nvelope from elysia and Plugin Alliance

It took all of five minutes for me to realize that with this transient shaping plug-in I could rule the world.

elysia’s nvelope from Plugin Alliance is a very powerful tool, allowing you to go as far as removing all ambience from a track, should the mood strike you.



Software Review: Universal Audio Manley Variable Mu Limiter/Compressor Plugin

In November 2014, when Universal Audio announced that it would release a new software version of the Manley Variable Mu compressor, SonicScoop quickly covered this new design with in-depth behind the scenes story called “How the Emulation Is Made”.

Now, approaching its one year anniversary, and continuing to gain in Read more...


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