Ableton Live 9 Now Available + Preorder Ableton’s First Hardware Instrument – Push

Ableton Live has been a DAW that has always been a popular choice among songwriters and producers for it’s unique workflow, design and compatibility with Akai and other hardware instruments. Today users can get their hands on Ableton’s first major upgrade to Live since April 2009 when Ableton Live 8 was first released. Ableton Live 9 includes not only new sounds and audio tools but some great enhancements to the already inspiring workflow.

Ableton Live 9, looking flavorful.

Ableton Live 9, looking flavorful.

Ableton is also beginning pre-orders today for their first hardware instrument, Push. Push is actually a hardware device that is built by Akai offering 64 pads, display for patches, effects and audio tools – all adjustable from the device, and much more.

Users can can download Ableton Live 9 now in three editions for Mac and PC: Intro – $99MSRP, Standard – $449, Suite – $749. Follow the link for a feature comparison between the three editions.

For those in NYC, there’s an official Live 9 and Push Preview event taking place at Tekserve tonight, March 5th.

Here is a basic overview of some of the new features from Live 9 and features of Push:

“New In Live 9

  • Record automation into clips. Edit automation with curves. Session View automation lets you capture your performance or add movement to your loops. Use curves to make automation more musical.

    Push, looking pushable.

    Push, looking pushable.

  • Find sounds fast. With Live’s new browser, spend less time finding sounds and more time making music.
  • Get your sound right. The new analog-modeled Glue Compressor and redesigned studio effects help you get a better sound in less time.
  • Reclaim the music in your samples…. Live 9’s new tools for converting audio to MIDI give you unprecedented flexibility to extract musical ideas from your samples and build upon them.
    • …or sing the music in your head. Sketch out ideas quickly by singing (or beatboxing) into Live and converting your recording to MIDI.
  • Max for Live is now included in Suite. Expand and extend your musical possibilities with Max for Live.
    • Explore new Suite devices. Get 26 new instruments and effects with Max for Live – including Convolution Reverb and Drum Synth



What is Push?

  • Push is a new instrument that solves an old problem: how to make a song from scratch. With hands-on control of melody and harmony, beats, sounds, and song structure, Push puts the fundamental elements of music making at your fingertips – and it fits in a backpack alongside your laptop.
  • Play and sequence beats. 64 pads give you multiple ways to make beats. Play, step sequence, and navigate your loop – all at the same time.
  • A new way to play notes and chords. Play in every key using the same finger patterns. Move between keys at the touch of a button. Explore new harmonies and phrases across 64 velocity- and pressure-sensitive pads.
  • Packed with sounds. Make music with a studio full of instruments and effects. Control them all with Push.
    • Push uses the power of Ableton Live running on your computer. Live provides Push with a comprehensive collection of instruments and effects.
  • Improvise and play with song structure. Capture all of your musical ideas. Duplicate and create variations. Trigger, re-arrange, and create new combinations.
  • Designed by Ableton. Engineered by Akai Professional.
  • If you’re familiar with Live, Push complements what you already know. Live runs in the background, filling your Set with clips and scenes as you create with Push.”

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