NYC Event: Ableton Advanced Users Meetup – Thurs., May 9th, at Tekserve

The atmosphere was electric last month at Tekserve when electronic music aficionados packed the place for the official Live 9 & Push Preview event.

Sound designer, music technologist, composer and violinist Laura Escudé AKA Alluxe will lead the charge at this month's Ableton Advanced User's Meetup at Tekserve.

Sound designer, music technologist, composer and violinist Laura Escudé AKA Alluxe will lead the charge at this month’s Ableton Advanced User’s Meetup at Tekserve.

Expect that energy to get amplified + academic for the next Ableton Advanced Users Meetup, taking place Thursday, May 9th at Tekserve, 7:00-9:30 PM. The legendary Hank Shocklee (The Bomb Squad),  and the soon-to-be-legendary Ben Casey (Tekserve) will host a group of underground Ableton all-stars onstage.

The event is free, but RSVP is required. Clear sightlines and crisp audio are guaranteed at Tekserve’s accommodating space. Come ready to ramp up your productions, because the knowledge, tips and techniques — on Live and beyond — will fly thick and fast from:

Laura Escudé AKA Alluxe

Adam Rokhsar


Dana Schechter AKA Insect Ark


Juan Larios AKA Barber Sonora

DJ Phil Painson

SonicScoop sez: Don’t miss this one! Network and expand your musical mind.


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