Posts Tagged ‘DUMBO’

Geeking OUT to Melodyne and Roland Space Echo with Jamin Gilbert of ishlab Music

DUMBO, BROOKLYN: On the 6th floor of 10 Jay Street in DUMBO, a hub for multiple businesses in the creative industries, you’ll find an inviting gem at ishlab music, a professional yet relaxed music studio and music licensing company that has embraced the truly diverse and eccletic arrays of music Read more...

Studio Project: Steve Salett and Gary Maurer on The Poison Tree & Saltlands Studios

DUMBO, BROOKLYN: In an era when a record’s “production” often overwhelms its “performances” – for better or for worse – a worthy and well-recorded live performance can sound like a revelation. The newly released, self-titled album by The Poison Tree, a Brooklyn-based project led by former King of France Read more...

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